Where to find developers to hire in Australia

Originally posted on the now defunct austechjobs.com.au

Austechjobs has started to collect the best channels to find devs to hire in Australia. The channels listed fall into a couple of broad categories:

Job boards

This is the most common way hiring managers advertise developer positions. The usual suspects are big guns like Seek and LinkedIn but you can also find success on more focused niche job boards (like austechjobs!). There are some solid global developer focused boards such as StackOverflow Jobs and Github where you will find quality developers but you should be aware if you want to hire international visa applicants you will need to advertise locally too.

Meetups and User groups

There are many high quality and active technical meetups/user groups in Australia. Most of them have a presence on meetup.com. It is possible to reach out via the comments section of meetups you are a part of to let the members know about your position. Generally speaking, you should only post on meetups you plan to attend in person and you need to be careful not to fall foul of meetup.com spam detection by repeatedly posting across multiple groups. There should be a couple of meetups in each major city that would be relevant for any developer position.

Slack communities

Developer slack groups are a great place to find talented and engaged developers. Generally speaking those who join these communities are passionate about their work. Most Slack groups will most likely have a designated channel for promoting your position. The best groups have clear rules on what you can and can't post so be sure to read through these before you post anything. You should make yourself available to answer any followup questions from the community.


Facebook groups are less likely to be professionally orientated that Meetups and Slack but there are still some good ones out there. The groups listed below are generally focused toward startup jobs rather than enterprise or government positions.

Below is the list of channels to connect with developers in Australia.