Change embedded tweet dark theme to match site
My custom Ghost theme uses a typical CSS/JS dark mode toggle. One thing I found jarring was embedded tweets not updating to the new theme.
I put together this hack javascript (because I could find no better approach) that waits until (hopefully) the tweet has loaded then updates the URL to the proper theme.
var storedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme') || (window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? "dark" : "light");
setTimeout(function() {
var targetTheme = storedTheme == "dark" ? "light" : "dark";
switchTweetTheme(targetTheme, storedTheme);
}, 1000);
function switchTweetTheme(currentTheme, targetTheme) {
var tweets = document.querySelectorAll('[data-tweet-id]');
tweets.forEach(function(tweet) {
var src = tweet.getAttribute("src");
tweet.setAttribute("src", src.replace("theme=" + currentTheme, "theme=" + targetTheme));
Try it out by switching theme on the top right ☝