The future of FluentEmail
FluentEmail - the open source .NET Core email library I created now has over 1000 stars on GitHub! I am looking for collaborators to help me continue development.
FluentEmail - the open source .NET Core email library I created (with Ben Cull) now has over 1000 stars on GitHub! However, I have to apologise to those using the library as I have been a fairly absent contributor over the last year (I co-founded a company and had twins in that time).
The library has come a long way in the last few years

I am planning on spending some time cleaning up the project going through outstanding pull requests and getting a new version up and running. I also want to write up a complete guide to serve as some documentation (if anyone has already written something let me know!).
I am also on the lookout for a couple of people willing to put their hand up and become a contributor. I hope they could take some responsibility for reviewing and merging pull requests so we can keep the project moving along. Please contact me if you are interested.
I am also hoping to get access to GitHub discussions to make communication with the community easier. If you can pull any strings to get that enabled on the FluentEmail repository that would be great.